OK, are you wondering what the heck I'm talking about at this point? Promise...I'm only half crazy half of the time. I am talking about day-dreaming and for those who are lucky enough to have figured out how to do it, self-hypnosis. Those are the moments that really allow you to explore, to soar and to grow. Here is what I mean.
When you allow yourself to just wonder, to ask questions internally, to see things from a different perspective, you are growing. Your mind is expanding, even if opening up just a little to the possibilities of seeing or experiencing something new. You are becoming bigger then you were by way of absorbing the energy around you. Using that energy to go new places or think of new ideas, new ways of doing something or how to create something new all together.
Example: An artist sees around them the beauty in the world then absorbs that beauty and uses it create beauty in their art. Using the energy around them, the feelings and emotions from those things that stimulate their artistic side to create something, they are growing by way of seeing something and allowing it to affect them. Then, as artists do, they create something from that energy to see or hear or feel and share it with others to see or hear or feel as they experience it. The outcome may be bright or dark depending on the feelings the artist had when it was created.
Allowing yourself to float on a cloud or bounce among the stars, allowing yourself to dream, to see more than what you currently are, to see where you could be and want to go, not only helps us grow and become more but it also gives us the courage to go further. It builds up our sense of self-worth by way of expanding what we see ourselves achieving and potential maps to get to those end results we seek.
If you set a goal for yourself are you not, internally, seeing yourself reaching that goal? Do you not picture yourself reaching the thing you are striving for? If you are preparing to run a marathon, do you not picture yourself hitting the finish line, exhausted but holding your arms high in representation of the success of reaching the end?
As I am sitting here writing this, I have to wonder if maybe this is something only I do. I have never asked anyone else if they do this. I have not conducted research on this to see if other people do this or if I maybe I am a little more than half crazy. If I am, I will gladly stay in that state of mind because I could not imagine a life without those little escapes from reality that make me think beyond the mundane existence of the every day grind. Wake up, start work, stop work, cook/clean/chores, relax a bit, go to bed, wake up, and do it over again. That is not the life I wish to lead.
Goal: Dream a little dream every chance I get, making sure to use them to continue to push me further than I have gone.
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