Have you ever paid attention to all the clutter the world sends our way? We have regular mail spam. Those stupid things that come delivered most days by the USPS employee who is probably the only one benefiting from these mailings and only because they insure he still has a job. At one point, I think I was getting upwards of 3-5 pieces of junk mail every single day. To combat this, I actually wrote 'Return To Sender' on some and sent them back.
The ones that truly got me angry tho were those who somehow pulled my husbands name out of a hat some 15+ years after he passed away and sent mail to my house which he had never lived in. How in the hell does this happen. I went so far as to call one of those companies after they insisted in continuing to send mail addressed to him at my new address even after I sent it back with snarky notes about 'Deceased' & 'Never Lived Here'.
When I called, I asked them how they got his name. They replied by saying some bull about computer generated to which I would reply, fix your stupid computer. Further explaining that I do not appreciate receiving mail for my late husband and no he does not want to buy whatever they are selling as it would do him no good where he currently resides.
Why is it companies continue to spam us with their wasteful and pointless advertisements? I know they must do business but why is it that Americans must be bombarded by all this useless paper and electronic waste? Not only do we get this crap in our physical mailbox and electronic inbox but we also get these useless time-wasters while watching regular television shows as well. Commercials are another one of those big time wasters. Want to see just how much of your time is truly wasted with these annoying interruptions? Let me give you a little glimpse.
I have found it kind of interesting (yea, when I am really bored or watching for something specific) to see just how long these commercial interruptions have become. Thanks to my DVR, for the most part now I try to never watch something as it is being initially aired. This way I can fast forward through the commercials. So let's talk about how much time they waste.
Morning talk shows and new casts are the absolute worst. The new trend is to give you teasers of stories at the beginning of the news cast then only give you 3-4 minutes of news stories they deem important, followed by 5-6 minutes of commercials. They will come back with a snip-it of weather and traffic (that takes all of 1-2 minutes) then back to 5-6 minutes of commercials again. They do this constantly through out their 1-2 hour shows. The local news is not quite as bad but darn close.
I could go on and on about this but honestly think I have wasted enough of my time with them. As for the emails, I am down to 10,957 and still deleting. My goal is to finish this today and then clean up all the others so they have under 50 each at any given time and add lots to my spam folder. No, I am not going to waste my time 'unsubscribing' because I just don't care to. Hopefully this will be something I only have to do once in my lifetime. Maybe next I will cut the satellite line to my bank account and remove that monstrosity as well getting rid of commercials all together. Sounds like a good plan. I know turning it off would definitely give me much more time in my life to do other things.
Got 4 more junk emails since I started writing this. UGH, this is exhausting.
GOAL: Continue to declutter my life and remove those things that have no added value.
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