I know that in the past I have talked about fears, two of my biggest being spiders and fearing something so much that it stops me from living. Well, today I can honestly say I found a new one. Being on the passenger side of a car when going up and down mountain passes when on the outside of the road.

Yes, apparently I have a fear of heights that I didn't know I had. I think it had a lot to do with not being in control of the car. I have driven on mountain passes before but the key there was I was driving. I knew my son was scared of this exact situation but I figured it was because he was a child when we had driven on the Boreas Pass and that was why it frightened him. Apparently not...guessing maybe it was a fear I had too, just didn't know it.
The stretch we did today was from Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek. The highest elevation sign I was able to see said 10,200 and that was on the downward pass. Mountains have never bothered me before so when my fear hit today, I was pretty sure it was more of a lack of control than anything. Guess all those times I was told I was a control freak they were actually right. At least when it comes to driving in high places. I admit it...I am a control freak then.
New goal: Learn to let go of the wheel more often. I can't promise it will happen overnight nor can I say I will do it willingly all the time, however, now that I have someone in my life that I trust, I will let go more often.
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