The choice is ours to make but we must not fear it. Fear is something that we all have, some more than others. It can be exhilarating or debilitating depending on how we react to it. In many cases, our past builds our fears, things we have survived or been made to experience throws curve balls into our psyche, giving us the inability to swing for fear we will miss. These are, in many instances, the things that make many of us get up and move.
For me, the fear of becoming stagnant is more prevalent than any other right now. The fear of not growing, not evolving into the person I am meant to be, becoming a hermit and never getting out and trying new things or meeting new people would be like death. I never used to feel this but in my past, the options were not there. Now that I have gotten to a place in my life when my children are grown, my employment is stable (ok, as stable as it can be in this day in age), when the only things needing me are my pets and I have fabulous people who can help with them if I decide to jump and run for a bit, I have the freedom to go play, to go learn, to go experience, to live.
My next big adventure is planned, spreading my wings and flying once again in hopes of finding new things to see and experience. Hoping to be able to open my mind and learn even more about myself. Time to start writing my next chapter and see where this exciting experience called Life takes me. Time to fly.
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