For me, this month so far has been a bit exhausting. Part of me is looking forward to getting away and losing myself for a while. Part of me is not sure that running away is the answer. The rest of me just doesn't give a crap. I must say that emotions can be messy. Life is messy.
Guess I might as well start off small. Political garbage. I am so sick of being bombarded with all the political crap, fighting, name calling, mud slinging, and on and on. I get it on the television literally every 3-5 minutes. My postal worker has to continue to leave this crap in my mailbox so I have to throw it out. I get random calls from idiots trying to push their political agenda on me...and as of last night, I am even getting random text messages about them. Enough, already...seriously, enough! Leave me the hell alone already! I am not going to vote for you if you continue to annoy the crap out of me. Take a hint!
Pets, let's talk pets. Seriously people, pets are a blessing not a curse. If you feel they are a burden, get rid of them and never get another. If you have a dog or two and never walk them or do anything with them other than leave them in your back yard (or deck) to do whatever they do, do not get more freakin' puppies. It's not fair to the animals and those of us who see and hear it feel you should not have pets, period! I get so sad listening to your dogs whine and cry, and see them looking over the fence at me wishing they had someone to give them a little attention instead of leaving them outside in the rain and cold. I don't know your situation nor do I really care anymore. I have already seen what your dogs have done in the past so I know first hand enough to make an educated guess. Remember? Your negligence caused the death of one of my dogs and 2 of yours. Please stop getting more animals, it's not fair to them!
Why does it seem some people think that when driving you must be so damn close to the other driver that you can't see the road between bumpers? Even worse, why in the hell would you get that close to someone on a motorcycle? Seriously people, get a freaking clue. You are not going to get there any faster riding that close. Back the hell off. Oh and to ya'l who just feel you must push someone to get out of your way so you can get to the light ahead a little faster, make sure to look over next time you are sitting at a light. I might be the one in the other car clapping my hands and cheerfully saying 'you win'. Feel like a moron now?
One more then I will quit for the here anyway. If you have a job you just don't care enough to do right, why do you stay? If you have no desire to be there, if you are having to be told over and over and over again because you keep screwing things up and you have no real desire to fix the problem and start get it right, why don't you just quit? Seriously, I am sure there are many people out there who would love to have your job, to earn money, and will be glad to get it right. There is no need for you to continue to torture yourself and annoy those of us having to clean up after you. Just go on your merry way and find something you want to do enough to get it right already. We won't miss you, promise.
OK, with that I will stop. I doubt that my rant will do anything to bring about change but it feels good to just get it all out. I am sure that some who read this will go, 'wow, someone else thinks that too' or 'damn, she's nuts', neither of which I care, honestly. Guess I shouldn't use honestly because according to Dr. Phil, if you say honestly in a sentence, you are not telling the truth. Hmmm, ponder that a while. So I will just leave you with one more little thing to keep in mind. The next time you hear a southern girl say 'bless your heart' or anything of that nature, you need to sit back and thing a minute...because it could mean one of two things. It's either sincere expression of sympathy or genuine concern OR we are calling you an idiot and you have no clue because we were being polite.
In the genius words of Deadpool, "Sorry, not sorry."
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