Having had little to call my own when I was young to becoming homeless and having almost nothing in my teens, to getting where I am today, sometimes it is hard to let go of things. It is also hard not to buy more things just because I can, thinking about ways to use them, and holding onto them, allowing them to take up space in my world.
When upcycled art was one of two main focuses of my business, I used that as a reason to buy lots of things. My business was successful, I made many lovely things out of trash and leftover pieces of other stuff. I was able to share my beauties with others and them wanting to bring them into their homes to continue to admire. This was a real passion of mine. It was a release of part of myself into the world and it was amazing. It was also a lot of fun to watch the expressions of those realizing what my creations were originally. To turn a soda can into a beautiful rose or a butterfly and light bulbs into ornaments, and other upcycles, it was just fun to be able to think outside the box.
After a while tho it became exhausting trying to keep up with the ever changing desires of people. Art, after all, is not a necessity in life so when money gets tight people quit buying art. This caused that me to have to rethink my business. Also trying to work the booths at weekend events alone was just too much for me to handle. I did have some assistance from my children but they were busy too with their lives so I could not burden them with having to continue to help me. I decided that part of my business would have to end. Letting go of all the pieces and parts, the upcycle stuff, well that was a challenge I still have not completely met. I have gotten rid of the majority but I have held onto some little bits and pieces 'just in case' I wanted to do them again. This is the mentality I have to break. This is what I feel is holding me stagnant, not allowing me to move forward towards my next adventure.
My business changed and grew to focus more on the fine arts and photography. It too has caused a collection of stuff to take over my space. In allowing all the clutter to take over my spaces, I have robbed myself of clear mind in which to create. Since returning from my trip, I have found myself almost without a creative thought. Every time I want to sit down at the canvas and create I find something distracts me from it and points me towards something else to do. This is what I am trying to remove.
So, starting from the top down, literally the top of my house, I started in my bedroom. Going through my clothes to determine what makes me happy and what I am just holding onto but have no joy in. I heard that somewhere recently and it really stuck. Does it give you joy? Does it make you happy? If the answer is no, get rid of it. This opens up space for joy and happiness. It makes so much sense. Simple but effective. In just an hour I went through my closet and was able to release myself of a huge trash bag of clothing I get no joy from. I'm not done but the sense of accomplishment gives me the desire to continue.
This is just one more step on the path to becoming who I am meant to be in the next chapter of my life.
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