I poured myself into the car, key in the ignition, power, lights, and off I went to help, still not quite awake. As I drove down the highway, I saw off in the distance a beautiful storm brewing. The sky was constantly lighting up with one strike after another, illuminating the dark clouds in front of it showing only glimpses of what was to come. The storm would be one of many seen in my lifetime yet, on this early morning, it was the most beautiful. The bolts seeming to dance from cloud to cloud like a ball being thrown back and forth.

Playing on the radio was a song that just seemed to fit this beautiful morning. Time in a bottle...who keeps time in a bottle. Wait, listen to the lyrics. "There never seems to be enough time to do the things you want to do once you find them." This is so true. Putting the two together this morning, the storm and the song, they just seemed to paint a picture I needed to see today. One that would cause a pause in my thought process. Time would stop even if only for a brief moment allowing me to see clearer than I ever have before.
Wake-up call? Exactly. That was it. "Everything happens for a reason", I say constantly, and this was no different. This was the moment of clarity that I had been searching for. The light bulb moment that could change my future, alter my reality, give new meaning to everything I do going forward. A life is much like the bolts of lightning in a storm, bouncing from cloud to cloud, illuminating patches of sky as we go but never seeming to stop until all the power has run out, and then, like the storm, we fizzle out. Kind of cool and yet sad too. The question here, have you left enough light to be remembered. Did you share moments of awe and excitement of beauty or were you destructive and leave a wake of pain and sorrow behind?
Now looking back at my many bounces I see that, at least I believe, I am still bouncing with beauty and awe. One of my goals now is to continue to do so, making ever more sure not to leave a destructive path behind. Yet another goal will be to make sure every bounce is a big one, leaving no time wasted and doing the things I want now that I have found them. Living life to its fullest and experiencing as much joy as I can, sharing it with others as well so I can leave memories of my light behind when my storm ends, leaving also new growth and beauty. I'm awake now, eyes open and seeing clearer than ever before.
Next bounce.
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