A strong, tall, slender man who held his head high as a proud man, Steve was always the life of the party, the friendly voice greeting everyone he met. He was a gentle soul, a loving father, a doating husband, the man who everyone could rely on to do whatever was needed. Loved life, loved his family. He was the man who seemed to have everything and who loved his son with every last breath he had.
His son, a miniature version of the father, the light of his life, his reason for living after his wife had passed. He had grown up to be a wonderful young man, so full of life, with so much going for him, big plans and dreams. Plans to be like his father yet his own man. Plans cut short as his life was snuffed out ever so suddenly. Loss. The sharp knife cutting deep into the heart of his father as he passed. Life ceased to have any meaning now for Steve. The light in his eyes had faded, his smile forever turned down following the tears that escaped him.
A father is not supposed to bury his child, especially not his son who was to be the one who carried on the family name, the legacy now lost with one fell swoop. This proud man now broken, a shadow of who he was, wallowing in sorrow, smile burried with his child. He lost his will to live, his reason, his purpose. Nothing was left for him on this earth, no reason, no care, nothing but heartbreak and pain was left inside him.
Another day, another painful day. Every night in his dreams he relived happier days with his family, the sounds of children playing and laughing, his heart filled with joy, holding on so tight only to wake and find it was all gone. His life now filled with darkness and gloom. Why was he still here? What was the reason to go on? He no longer had answers to those questions. He no longer cared. Having lost all hope, heart shattered, he made up his mind. His time was done. Just had to finish one last thing.
He prepared the rope, knot tied tight and noose high to insure it would be quick. No need for a letter, no one to write to. His pain filled heart would beat one last time, one last breath would leave his body, one last thought, one last tear. Soon he would be free of this pain, no longer alone, with his beloved family, or so he thought. One last sound, the chair slapping the floor as he knocked it down to complete his final task, or was that the sound of his neck snapping as the weight of his body fell.
Alive no longer, Steve now walks the hallway of his once family home, looking for the loves he has lost yet never finding them. He is forever alone, interacting with those who move in to make the house their new home. He wants to leave but can't, wants to find his family but they are long gone from this earth. Alone, still heartbroken.
Now his days and nights, time meaning nothing to him, are spent watching the life happening with the new families in his home. He tries to interact with those around him, only instead causing fear and pain. Does he mean to? Is it how he shows his feelings now? Invading the dreams of those who now live there, causing cold spaces when he is angry. He also likes to play, running his fingers through the hair of the ladies that find themselves alone there. He misses his wife, his child, his old life. Now he waits for opportunities to be seen and heard again. He is learning.
Do you feel him, hear him, see him? If not yet, just wait. You will.
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