So when I went there Monday night after playing an awesome match at my pool league, I picked up a few other things I needed and then decided to look for a turkey for the upcoming holiday dinner. I stopped in the meat department started sifting through the turkey breasts when all hell broke lose, literally. Next thing I knew my mommy instincts kicked in and I as trying to stop the nasty turkey balloons from hitting the floor and exploding all over my boots (and everything else in the area). I'm sure everyone has seen those commercials of the pile of oranges or canned food that when one falls, they all fall, well, I could already see it happening and becoming a scene from a CSI episode with bodies and guts all over the floor. Yes, I could already see it in my head and was trying to avoid the nasty chaos.
Glad to say that I did save my boots. I did not have a salmonella filled turkey balloon explode all over the place but it was at the expense of my arm which I am now dealing with. According to the doctor I did some really long titled thing to my elbow, no I don't remember what he called it, but essentially I pulled muscles in my elbow that extend from my ring and pinky fingers in my right hand. This makes simple things like raising a glass (yea, I have been forced to learn to drink coffee with my left hand), getting dressed (if only I could just let the girls go free), and even starting my car (ignition on the right) very challenging to say the least. Since I do not like taking medication I refused the prescription for the pain meds and anti-inflammatory pills the doc wanted me to take to make it easier to deal with.
The only thing I can do now is wait for it to heal. I am now supposed to have it in a sling or wrapped to remind me not to use it. I suck at being a patient, especially since it's just me so it makes daily tasks a little more challenging. Not using my arm, especially with Thanksgiving coming up this week is really going to be, can we say difficult. Turkey isn't gonna get out of the oven on it's own. This might be the year we see how many restaurants are open, ya know like in the movies. Maybe Chinese or Thai for Thanksgiving. Hmmm, that's a thought.
Oh well, moral of this story is, LET THE TURKEYS HIT THE FLOOR. Hopefully next time I will remember lyrics of a song instead of letting the mommy-brain engage. It may be safer.
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